Thursday, July 26, 2007


Yup, you read it right. as of august 9th I am free of the world of Hewitt Associates. the [CENSORED] of the Life and all happiness.

You can't blame me though. I was hired here with the notion that I would be able to apply for a Actuarial role with in 3 to 6 months, after I had gone through 6 months and 3 Unit managers (due to turn over) I was told the UGLY truth. I need to be in good standing in the firm at my Hellish job, and worked the job a min of a a Full Year before I can apply outside of my position. So here I am working 60 hour weeks for a year programing various clients DB calculations (That works out to about 14 dollars an hour), and getting 3 ppls work because the department has gone from 14 people down to 4. With the Lead of the team quiting only 2 weeks ago, the youngest member of our team is promoted to a job she can not handle and puts ultra stress and is putting unrealistic expectations on us.

If that is not bad enough. what made it really easy to RUN out the door is one of the guys who left told me he was mislead the same way I was. and he has been working the same job for FOUR years. no bonus ever came his way EVER! Same shit ass pay and unpaid overtime that is mandatory. I was just told by my yet again NEW unit manager (gone through 7 in a year) that I would not be able to apply for a actuarial role for another year.... lol. on top of that... guess who is not getting ANY kind of a real raise. 1K- LOL...
YEAH! I'm leaving!

To really burn the bridge here the new hire fresh in the door with NO exp, is going to be making more then me because we have so many rolls to fill. Should I tell her not to expect any real raise come next year? nope I'm suppose to keep my mouth shut.

So I am quitting with out any real locked up offers on the table for new employment. scary but I am going to lose it if I stay. if any of you guys have a decent position open I'd love to get a heads up.

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