Friday, October 29, 2010

the insperation I need hits home in real world

i had a realization today- and I have to say it has had more of a profound effect on me then most anything to date. A friend through barriatric surg support group had a stroke about a month ago. we found about it recently at group as she was back to join us. she has had the VGS and has lost an amazing 100 pounds so far. her journey is meaning full to me in so many ways because she is older then me but at the present moments she is about a hundred pounds lighter then me right now.

the doctors said that this was a minor stroke. but when her doctor shared with her that if she did not have the sugary a year ago. This stroke surely would have ended her life! there is no doubt in my my mind that this warning to my support friend is a warning for me. If i do not choose to make this change in my life I may not have the chance to make it in 5 years! I am not healthy, and the choices that I make do have a serious impact on what my future may be.

I pledge to walk or exercises as much as I can and get stronger and add more exercises to my life.
i will not eat meals bigger then 550 cals in one sitting EVER!
I will order my food/prepare my food to make my journey as easy as possible
use the tools i have! nutrition guides, distractions, tricks, meal planning, water

I know that my time here on earth is in my hands. medical science can only help us so much before it is in our hands how we live and survive.

20 Things I Love About Losing 70 Pounds

Things that I feel and have begun to feel about my wieght loss - I read this post and decided to repost as it has hit me hard and made me feel energized about losing this wieght! I am not at the point that this person was, but I am trully looking forward to all of these feelings for myself.

1. Trying on clothes. I actually like the way I look in them.
2. All the selection of clothes available since I no longer have to shop in the women's department.
3. Climbing up stairs with the groceries without getting out of breath or having to haul myself up with the hand rail.
4. Being able to get off the floor without having to grab onto furniture.
5. Fitting into seats! This is a biggie. Airplane seats, theater seats, restaurant chairs with arms.
6. Being able to cross and uncross my legs comfortably and easily.
7. Not bumping into things in the shower when I turn around. Or in restaurants when I have to scoot between tables.
8. Being able to wear a skirt without my thighs chafing.
9. Being able to hold notes longer -- much improved breath quality (I sing in a community choir.)
10. Being able to hike with my family and keep up.
11. Getting improved cholesterol and triglycerides numbers from my medical checkup.
12. How much better I sleep. (I no longer snore.)
13. No more heartburn.
14. Being able to cut my own toenails.
15. Being able to tie my shoes without getting out of breath.
16. Being able to "hop up" out of bed or a chair rather than having to plan in advance how to haul myself up.
17. Feeling so much healthier, stronger, happier.
18. How proud my family is of what I have accomplished.
19. Feeling about ten years younger.
20. Having people rave about how I look!

What about you? Which of these are YOUR favorites that you've achieved or looking forward to achieving? Any other things you especially love or are looking forward to?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Atlantic City is never safe

i think it was 3 weeks ago now- but A short stocky black man in a nit cap Pulled Down really low tried to mug me in the bathrooms at ceasers @ like 3am. it was a very wierd incident i was in the stall and guy Staired in at me through a 2.5+ Inch gap and then tried to open door forcefully and jiggling it- i jumped up and rammed in to door to hold fast. it was over in 5 seconds- he did not get in and gave up as he heard 3 men enter the room door and heading toward us. if those men did not come in in a extrodinary loud and roudy way i shutter to think of what might have been-

i have looked back on this event ten times +! it had to be an attempted mugging as the time, the premeditation- Looking in at me in creepy way and then Choosing to try and gain entry. and the dissapearence after party dudes enter rest room. I did not report the incedent- But came back to the poker table and confessed what just happened ONLY TO HEAR SOMEONE TELL ME some one was Mugged in the exact same way a month ago!

I laugh at post as his post discribes my reaction to such an event- I did not want to be wrong that someone was trying to mug me- and not just stupid drunk and misbehaving. this fear lead me to not take action. I am happy I had the presence of mind to Jump up when i had the instinct to. Be careful my readers- AC is not a friendly place at anytime of day or night