Yup, you read it right. as of august 9th I am free of the world of Hewitt Associates. the [CENSORED] of the Life and all happiness.
You can't blame me though. I was hired here with the notion that I would be able to apply for a Actuarial role with in 3 to 6 months, after I had gone through 6 months and 3 Unit managers (due to turn over) I was told the UGLY truth. I need to be in good standing in the firm at my Hellish job, and worked the job a min of a a Full Year before I can apply outside of my position. So here I am working 60 hour weeks for a year programing various clients DB calculations (That works out to about 14 dollars an hour), and getting 3 ppls work because the department has gone from 14 people down to 4. With the Lead of the team quiting only 2 weeks ago, the youngest member of our team is promoted to a job she can not handle and puts ultra stress and is putting unrealistic expectations on us.
If that is not bad enough. what made it really easy to RUN out the door is one of the guys who left told me he was mislead the same way I was. and he has been working the same job for FOUR years. no bonus ever came his way EVER! Same shit ass pay and unpaid overtime that is mandatory. I was just told by my yet again NEW unit manager (gone through 7 in a year) that I would not be able to apply for a actuarial role for another year.... lol. on top of that... guess who is not getting ANY kind of a real raise. 1K- LOL...
YEAH! I'm leaving!
To really burn the bridge here the new hire fresh in the door with NO exp, is going to be making more then me because we have so many rolls to fill. Should I tell her not to expect any real raise come next year? nope I'm suppose to keep my mouth shut.
So I am quitting with out any real locked up offers on the table for new employment. scary but I am going to lose it if I stay. if any of you guys have a decent position open I'd love to get a heads up.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Is it Worth it to be an asshole at the poker table?
Wrote this about half a year ago.
The set up. On my most recent trip to Trump Taj I had a very successful time at the 1 2 NL tables. There was a lot of back story to what led up to me busting a young kid in a blue jacket. To start the night off I was seated at a freshly opened 1 2 NL table with my standard buy in 120. play is interesting all of a sudden early on there is action Blue makes a big pre flop raise of 15 with A J suited early position. gets 2 callers the flop is an ugly [K K 4 Rainbow] Blue leads out and is called by one player, a older man. Next comes blue's ace. Blue takes another stab, old guy puts blue all in. The old timer has K 9 os. and takes a big pot off the Blue jacket Kid. The kid ribbed the old man for playing with K 9 as he raised the pot. he was PO'ed! I decided he'd be my mark for the night then.
To top It off, I decide the kid has a temper and is subject to tilt. So I call him out on his play with the old man. He goes off as expected. With my Sharp attitude, I say something to get a Sharp response. He stands up and tells me what I can do with my opinion and makes a mild threat to me. I Scream in a Deep baritone voice FFFFFFFFLLLLLOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRR! Three Very Very large men come to our table, and the dealer prompts them as well to our villain at the table. one man speaks to the Kid in Blue, as two Large meat heads stand behind his chair. This made him stand up and say it's not me... I did not say that, it's not me!!! He was issued a warning. PERFECT! Just as I planed. I lost a pot or two to him after this as he was aggressive to me, and even showed a bluff and taunted me openly. No need to call floor now. I have him completely tilted.
A little later after.... I told him pre flop I was going to give him action loosely calling his 15, he said fine it's your money(It certainly will be). He was elicit talking to me, so pleased to get in to a hand with me again. He was such a kid, if he took his head phones off… He might have heard me practically reveal my hand and gotten away from it. Or at least put me on a hand, as my voice cracked. (Was kinda funny to me) Flop was [5 10 J] he did not get away from it after I check MIN- re raised him. I said to him, do you have a Jack? he said nothing. I said I bet you don't even have a ten. ...He went all in. I Thought he had trips for a sec. But he opened his mouth - to ask if I had Kings? I say, "...............(realizing he has aces, or queens) Nope, and I call."
I show Jacks up. he did not improve with his aces, and I busted him. My question. He definitely over played them, and may have gone broke in this hand any way. But did my picking on him with the intent of tilting him get him to make a All in bet when he did not have too? He acted fast and did not think about the conversation. It was a sort of Auto Push. with his aces. only after he put it in did he think that he might not win this hand. All in all after he left having not a dollar to his name, the table said to me. that was quite a chain of events I pulled with him. as if to complement me on a Massive set up. as I planed to bust him with ten jack. well I still could have lost, but I was far ahead of his pocket pair when the money went in.
Do you guys agree that My tilting of this character is what caused him to over play his hand? or might he have done the same, with out all the Hollywood FULL BLOWN TILT attitude toward him? This said, I have to say I am very cool headed quiet at the table, unless I know someone. the I am just banter and having fun. I completely changed my image for this day at the table. sort of like how I would play chess in the city. Talking to my opponents telling how terrible they are and what a horrible play... and so on. like toying with them. I don't have the poker chops to fully do this, but for a trial run at the table it may have been a contributor. Love to get any responces or reply posts. TY all for reading
The set up. On my most recent trip to Trump Taj I had a very successful time at the 1 2 NL tables. There was a lot of back story to what led up to me busting a young kid in a blue jacket. To start the night off I was seated at a freshly opened 1 2 NL table with my standard buy in 120. play is interesting all of a sudden early on there is action Blue makes a big pre flop raise of 15 with A J suited early position. gets 2 callers the flop is an ugly [K K 4 Rainbow] Blue leads out and is called by one player, a older man. Next comes blue's ace. Blue takes another stab, old guy puts blue all in. The old timer has K 9 os. and takes a big pot off the Blue jacket Kid. The kid ribbed the old man for playing with K 9 as he raised the pot. he was PO'ed! I decided he'd be my mark for the night then.
To top It off, I decide the kid has a temper and is subject to tilt. So I call him out on his play with the old man. He goes off as expected. With my Sharp attitude, I say something to get a Sharp response. He stands up and tells me what I can do with my opinion and makes a mild threat to me. I Scream in a Deep baritone voice FFFFFFFFLLLLLOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRR! Three Very Very large men come to our table, and the dealer prompts them as well to our villain at the table. one man speaks to the Kid in Blue, as two Large meat heads stand behind his chair. This made him stand up and say it's not me... I did not say that, it's not me!!! He was issued a warning. PERFECT! Just as I planed. I lost a pot or two to him after this as he was aggressive to me, and even showed a bluff and taunted me openly. No need to call floor now. I have him completely tilted.
A little later after.... I told him pre flop I was going to give him action loosely calling his 15, he said fine it's your money(It certainly will be). He was elicit talking to me, so pleased to get in to a hand with me again. He was such a kid, if he took his head phones off… He might have heard me practically reveal my hand and gotten away from it. Or at least put me on a hand, as my voice cracked. (Was kinda funny to me) Flop was [5 10 J] he did not get away from it after I check MIN- re raised him. I said to him, do you have a Jack? he said nothing. I said I bet you don't even have a ten. ...He went all in. I Thought he had trips for a sec. But he opened his mouth - to ask if I had Kings? I say, "...............(realizing he has aces, or queens) Nope, and I call."
I show Jacks up. he did not improve with his aces, and I busted him. My question. He definitely over played them, and may have gone broke in this hand any way. But did my picking on him with the intent of tilting him get him to make a All in bet when he did not have too? He acted fast and did not think about the conversation. It was a sort of Auto Push. with his aces. only after he put it in did he think that he might not win this hand. All in all after he left having not a dollar to his name, the table said to me. that was quite a chain of events I pulled with him. as if to complement me on a Massive set up. as I planed to bust him with ten jack. well I still could have lost, but I was far ahead of his pocket pair when the money went in.
Do you guys agree that My tilting of this character is what caused him to over play his hand? or might he have done the same, with out all the Hollywood FULL BLOWN TILT attitude toward him? This said, I have to say I am very cool headed quiet at the table, unless I know someone. the I am just banter and having fun. I completely changed my image for this day at the table. sort of like how I would play chess in the city. Talking to my opponents telling how terrible they are and what a horrible play... and so on. like toying with them. I don't have the poker chops to fully do this, but for a trial run at the table it may have been a contributor. Love to get any responces or reply posts. TY all for reading
Thursday, July 12, 2007
All hail the tournament Master Aussie Aussie Aussie - HOY HOY HOY
Im very impressed by the tournament runnings of Hoyazo. Seriously great run last night, acquiring a massive chip with 27 players left in the tournament. I would criticize hoy on the last play he made that I saw losing 60000 chips or 42% of his stack on a paired bored AA [?] - K [?]
saying he folded A 4... folding after a move all in. I know Im a bit of a pussy, but seriously you risked your tourny life on QQ against 10 10 and AK in one hand and managed to triple up at one point to chip leader your work is done for a while! I know we have different playin styles, but Hoy! you could have dominated this tournament till the end reserving your play a little more and waiting for monster hands and move up in the prize money safely. I know it's a Jamie Gold thing where you want to STEAM ROLL.... EVERYONE! ...but seriously, Big stack poker is just that. when your in a hand with a big stack - open your eyes and keep the pot small. I believe if you did in fact fold A 4, it was a good fold. If anyone thinks I'm wrong, love to hear from ya. All that said, IDK how hoy did last night I fell asleep with the puter one and did not see how things turned out.
I don't know if I can really deal out advice after last nights cash game loses, I took the whole bank roll to a 1 2 NL table, managed to play a hand perfectly and got screwed over by runner runner flushed board.
EP raised 9
SB Myself-AK os re raised 22
EP - only caller.
Flop A{s} 4{s} 7{d}
Great flop for me, I check -
EP Bets 25,
I move all in for 85 more.
EP calls and shows A{h} Q{s}
Board goes 8{s} , and K{s}
saying he folded A 4... folding after a move all in. I know Im a bit of a pussy, but seriously you risked your tourny life on QQ against 10 10 and AK in one hand and managed to triple up at one point to chip leader your work is done for a while! I know we have different playin styles, but Hoy! you could have dominated this tournament till the end reserving your play a little more and waiting for monster hands and move up in the prize money safely. I know it's a Jamie Gold thing where you want to STEAM ROLL.... EVERYONE! ...but seriously, Big stack poker is just that. when your in a hand with a big stack - open your eyes and keep the pot small. I believe if you did in fact fold A 4, it was a good fold. If anyone thinks I'm wrong, love to hear from ya. All that said, IDK how hoy did last night I fell asleep with the puter one and did not see how things turned out.
I don't know if I can really deal out advice after last nights cash game loses, I took the whole bank roll to a 1 2 NL table, managed to play a hand perfectly and got screwed over by runner runner flushed board.
EP raised 9
SB Myself-AK os re raised 22
EP - only caller.
Flop A{s} 4{s} 7{d}
Great flop for me, I check -
EP Bets 25,
I move all in for 85 more.
EP calls and shows A{h} Q{s}
Board goes 8{s} , and K{s}
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
A lot of fun is to be had in the Blooger Tournys
I love the idea of creating community within this group of bloggers.
I have played the math 2 or 3 times and the mookie and dookie once each, (even though I had never played omaha at the time lol), because I really like the idea of getting feeling like when I play I can get recognized. talking about a Min raise as the Scariest raise and running my sevens in to KK(like a fool mind you), lol... I want to know the people i play with. I have gotten to know a little bit of that feeling going to AC 10 times in the past 3 months. Having done that I had gotten something from poker I had never gotten before. A sense that people are having a good time and want to share a little bit of them self's with you in doing so. I can honestly say I am known down there, always greeting and being greeted.
I Have never played a Math or a Dookie for the money, it's the people that got me to come back to it. It is begging to have a sense of history and feeling of a community when you play them. Knowing who's who and who is a Freakin Luck box/lunchbox, who's gonna bust you if a five hits the board, who hates AJ. Yea i can say that it would not matter if ya'll made this a Mega points competition or not. I wouldn't care, and play some cards with ya all regardless.
I have played the math 2 or 3 times and the mookie and dookie once each, (even though I had never played omaha at the time lol), because I really like the idea of getting feeling like when I play I can get recognized. talking about a Min raise as the Scariest raise and running my sevens in to KK(like a fool mind you), lol... I want to know the people i play with. I have gotten to know a little bit of that feeling going to AC 10 times in the past 3 months. Having done that I had gotten something from poker I had never gotten before. A sense that people are having a good time and want to share a little bit of them self's with you in doing so. I can honestly say I am known down there, always greeting and being greeted.
I Have never played a Math or a Dookie for the money, it's the people that got me to come back to it. It is begging to have a sense of history and feeling of a community when you play them. Knowing who's who and who is a Freakin Luck box/lunchbox, who's gonna bust you if a five hits the board, who hates AJ. Yea i can say that it would not matter if ya'll made this a Mega points competition or not. I wouldn't care, and play some cards with ya all regardless.
Friday, July 6, 2007
how i went broke- ugggggg
i found the ultamate maniac today. i observed him for 20 mins, determined he was compleatly nutz, and decided it was a lucrative oppertunity to play at him. little did i know what was to be great calls and putting him on Nothing would be so coastly.
to start off, he was constanly making 50 dollar bets that most of the time he had nothing. but he played every hand the same, till I raised him once.
min raise NO MATTER WHAT, then 50 on the flop. again no matter what.
this is not poker. just random clicking. so he plays about 6 hands an orbit.
raises with abs NOTHING!!!
so the big hand I took off him A Q hit the Q i check to the maniac. he bets i cold call. he bets the turn hard. I go all in it's another 21 dollars to him. and he folded with 200 in the pot.
i should have left there. I'll admit I over played the jacks, but when you know at best he might have one over it makes you a little eager to put it all in. I raised his min raiseto 50 after he min raised my limp. this time he acted differently, he re popped my 50 to a hundred. i put him on at best weak weak hand. I moved all in on him. he called. KOD's pulled the ace out of a hat and took my 250 i had at the table.

Ok if that is not bad enough I have 120 left on the account I buy back in and two hands later get involved in another hand with same guy- this time with top pair on the board and a st8 draw, I move all in again for 67 more he calls and I double through him as he had bottem pair on a paired boared.
on to the final hand - i have fear in me yes but it is only due to the fact that I am not the one raising - preflop on this hand was crazy - maniac raised and was reraised player to his left to 32. I cold call 32 with the 99, and maniac repops it to 54 as expected. i have 150 after the raises i called. Maniac acts first and bets out 200. I immidiatly know that one, he has two big cards and has NO pair. this is by far the biggest bet he made all night. that means to me BIG BLUFF!!!
heres the suck ass part of knowing your right - he can still win with this shit ass hand. He pushed the other guy off his hand IDK what he had. But to no avail the maniac managed to pull top two pair out of his ass with runner runner. I made a great call and I feel like a donkey-
i found the ultamate maniac today. i observed him for 20 mins, determined he was compleatly nutz, and decided it was a lucrative oppertunity to play at him. little did i know what was to be great calls and putting him on Nothing would be so coastly.
to start off, he was constanly making 50 dollar bets that most of the time he had nothing. but he played every hand the same, till I raised him once.
min raise NO MATTER WHAT, then 50 on the flop. again no matter what.
this is not poker. just random clicking. so he plays about 6 hands an orbit.
raises with abs NOTHING!!!
so the big hand I took off him A Q hit the Q i check to the maniac. he bets i cold call. he bets the turn hard. I go all in it's another 21 dollars to him. and he folded with 200 in the pot.
i should have left there. I'll admit I over played the jacks, but when you know at best he might have one over it makes you a little eager to put it all in. I raised his min raiseto 50 after he min raised my limp. this time he acted differently, he re popped my 50 to a hundred. i put him on at best weak weak hand. I moved all in on him. he called. KOD's pulled the ace out of a hat and took my 250 i had at the table.

Ok if that is not bad enough I have 120 left on the account I buy back in and two hands later get involved in another hand with same guy- this time with top pair on the board and a st8 draw, I move all in again for 67 more he calls and I double through him as he had bottem pair on a paired boared.
on to the final hand - i have fear in me yes but it is only due to the fact that I am not the one raising - preflop on this hand was crazy - maniac raised and was reraised player to his left to 32. I cold call 32 with the 99, and maniac repops it to 54 as expected. i have 150 after the raises i called. Maniac acts first and bets out 200. I immidiatly know that one, he has two big cards and has NO pair. this is by far the biggest bet he made all night. that means to me BIG BLUFF!!!
heres the suck ass part of knowing your right - he can still win with this shit ass hand. He pushed the other guy off his hand IDK what he had. But to no avail the maniac managed to pull top two pair out of his ass with runner runner. I made a great call and I feel like a donkey-

I know how to protect my hand but shit happens
Why is it when i know I have the best hand I play it right I get kicked in the ass...
I have a made hand on 1 2 NL table, Aces - board has a draw look to it - 35 in the pot one card to come, I go all in for 65 more. I get called by a flush draw and one over to the board w/ bottom pair.
AC i flop the ass end of a st8, I put 30 on the pot. I raise on check raise the pot 20 - to 65. the turn as a harmless 2 hits, I go all in 170 more... call'ed by a middle pair and gunshot draw st8 draw did not realize the 2 made him a flush draw too-
I have a made hand on 1 2 NL table, Aces - board has a draw look to it - 35 in the pot one card to come, I go all in for 65 more. I get called by a flush draw and one over to the board w/ bottom pair.
AC i flop the ass end of a st8, I put 30 on the pot. I raise on check raise the pot 20 - to 65. the turn as a harmless 2 hits, I go all in 170 more... call'ed by a middle pair and gunshot draw st8 draw did not realize the 2 made him a flush draw too-
Monday, July 2, 2007
Push and go at Harrahs
I played a 50 buck Push and go at harrahs due to a bad beat jackpot miss.
I lost a full buy in at a 1 2 NLH tbale and nearly caught the 25000 (at the time) bad beat jack pot. AA Vs KK preflop. Called my Push after he made it $25, on the Flop:
[A K rag] turn river - rag rag I near miss at the Monster jack pot.
Anyway the sit and burn was disusting, first & second hand 3 players. blinds and position ar irrelivant. Blinds start at 25 25 and ppl are making preflop raises of 250 or just all in. I sat and waited, won a small and Big blinds once. then got put all in wiht KK, I called and double. then final hand I get KJ, hate this hand 20 mins later 4 players remain. I raise on button with it cause I am already sick of this and 2 places paid, one chip leader that has 5 others chips in total. so the mega stack calls I hit K. I raise 300 short of my whole stack - he puts me all in... I think about how pissed I am if he's got less then K J right now- he shows K 10, and of course hits the ten on the turn. TY for the game Donkey-
I thought there was going to be play in this thing - here is a freindly tip for oyu all - avoid sit and go's in AC. I played 2 hands - how lame. here I am folding A K to 2 all ins in front of me, they both showed A j. I lol at them.
I lost a full buy in at a 1 2 NLH tbale and nearly caught the 25000 (at the time) bad beat jack pot. AA Vs KK preflop. Called my Push after he made it $25, on the Flop:
[A K rag] turn river - rag rag I near miss at the Monster jack pot.
Anyway the sit and burn was disusting, first & second hand 3 players. blinds and position ar irrelivant. Blinds start at 25 25 and ppl are making preflop raises of 250 or just all in. I sat and waited, won a small and Big blinds once. then got put all in wiht KK, I called and double. then final hand I get KJ, hate this hand 20 mins later 4 players remain. I raise on button with it cause I am already sick of this and 2 places paid, one chip leader that has 5 others chips in total. so the mega stack calls I hit K. I raise 300 short of my whole stack - he puts me all in... I think about how pissed I am if he's got less then K J right now- he shows K 10, and of course hits the ten on the turn. TY for the game Donkey-
I thought there was going to be play in this thing - here is a freindly tip for oyu all - avoid sit and go's in AC. I played 2 hands - how lame. here I am folding A K to 2 all ins in front of me, they both showed A j. I lol at them.
One incredible hand at the Taj 1 2 NLH
Well I had a fantastic time playing holdem in AC - I met a few new players at the 1 2 NLH tables. These are the only limits I played this weekend. Every table I played I tried to play at with my girlfriend. We had a lot of fun at most all the tables. Except one. and that is the one I will be blogging most about -
There is only one hand in this weekend that is worth bloogging about but It is not going to mean all that much to you if I say here's the hand and I Lost/ won a bundle... There were two black men at the table we were lead to at the Taj, these two were battling it out when we got there 20 preflop raises and re raising. and all this is happening with Any two cards at show down. 8 10 took down a 120 pot cause A 8 hit on the river... Kinda hands.... Some times They were Very strong. Ok that said, the man to my immediate right. Very Aggressive, got in to a hand with my girl friend and reviled what was going to be the most amt of information anyone has ever just GIVEN away at the table. the hand, Diamond girl AK Victim 8 3 off. Preflop 17, they check it all the way down.
[10,7,5, 7,J] Victim Pulls out his 5 dollar pair of glasses after the flop. he said to her at show down I just did not have the guts to Bluff you cause I know you will call with your pair of 9's. She said, I don't have a pair And I would not have called. she wins the pot. Now Every time this guy made moves they were not always bluffs - But semi bluffs. He was Mega Lose, and with a 400+ stack in front of him he could felt anyone, Even myself I had managed to accumulate 350 myself on another Monster hand that would make anyone sick to there stomach. But the move he made here led me to believe he would Put it all in for semi bluffs and weaker then average hands
But on to the hand: I am Delt A Q of hearts out of position. I lead out in to a aggressive table for 17. I get two callers. Victim and random aggressive player.
Flop comes [Ac, 5h, 10h] I have top pair Q kicker and Nut Flush draw. I lead out with a standard Protection Bet - 35. I get the victim to call.
I start Drooling knowing that he knows I have top pair top kicker... as I have been playing tight.
here comes the money card. [7h] making the nut flush in my hands. I act first and pause, look at the board like I know that I might be in trouble. I make a weak ass 15 dollar bet in to a pot of over $115. Knowing full well I am the perfect type to be Bluffed by him with TPTK. Victim puts on his glasses and decided to Put his whole 450 stack in to the pot for an all in as he had done previously with Bluffs and Strong hands.... I did not even stop to think/ or stair this man down as so many had done before at the table. If I did I would have just lol in his face. But I looked down at my chips .... and I Just start LOL anyway. as I am taking this down worst case scenario I am like 85%- I say out loud before the call - "I knew you would bluff the hand if I made a weak as fifteen dollar bet in to the pot - I Insta call" flipping the nutz over. He announces he has outs- showing at the end 6,3 hearts (really he has ONE out, the 4 hearts). I am shaking and can not count or tell how much money I have as my adrenalin is Pumping over the biggest 1 2 NLH I have ever won. I cant tell you what came after the Turn all i know is the board did not pair, and it was not a heart. But it was ridiculous how well I played this hand initiating the over bet, hemming and hawing about the 3rd heart on the board. Knowing full well I am in a hand with someone who can felt me.
There is only one hand in this weekend that is worth bloogging about but It is not going to mean all that much to you if I say here's the hand and I Lost/ won a bundle... There were two black men at the table we were lead to at the Taj, these two were battling it out when we got there 20 preflop raises and re raising. and all this is happening with Any two cards at show down. 8 10 took down a 120 pot cause A 8 hit on the river... Kinda hands.... Some times They were Very strong. Ok that said, the man to my immediate right. Very Aggressive, got in to a hand with my girl friend and reviled what was going to be the most amt of information anyone has ever just GIVEN away at the table. the hand, Diamond girl AK Victim 8 3 off. Preflop 17, they check it all the way down.
[10,7,5, 7,J] Victim Pulls out his 5 dollar pair of glasses after the flop. he said to her at show down I just did not have the guts to Bluff you cause I know you will call with your pair of 9's. She said, I don't have a pair And I would not have called. she wins the pot. Now Every time this guy made moves they were not always bluffs - But semi bluffs. He was Mega Lose, and with a 400+ stack in front of him he could felt anyone, Even myself I had managed to accumulate 350 myself on another Monster hand that would make anyone sick to there stomach. But the move he made here led me to believe he would Put it all in for semi bluffs and weaker then average hands
But on to the hand: I am Delt A Q of hearts out of position. I lead out in to a aggressive table for 17. I get two callers. Victim and random aggressive player.
Flop comes [Ac, 5h, 10h] I have top pair Q kicker and Nut Flush draw. I lead out with a standard Protection Bet - 35. I get the victim to call.
I start Drooling knowing that he knows I have top pair top kicker... as I have been playing tight.
here comes the money card. [7h] making the nut flush in my hands. I act first and pause, look at the board like I know that I might be in trouble. I make a weak ass 15 dollar bet in to a pot of over $115. Knowing full well I am the perfect type to be Bluffed by him with TPTK. Victim puts on his glasses and decided to Put his whole 450 stack in to the pot for an all in as he had done previously with Bluffs and Strong hands.... I did not even stop to think/ or stair this man down as so many had done before at the table. If I did I would have just lol in his face. But I looked down at my chips .... and I Just start LOL anyway. as I am taking this down worst case scenario I am like 85%- I say out loud before the call - "I knew you would bluff the hand if I made a weak as fifteen dollar bet in to the pot - I Insta call" flipping the nutz over. He announces he has outs- showing at the end 6,3 hearts (really he has ONE out, the 4 hearts). I am shaking and can not count or tell how much money I have as my adrenalin is Pumping over the biggest 1 2 NLH I have ever won. I cant tell you what came after the Turn all i know is the board did not pair, and it was not a heart. But it was ridiculous how well I played this hand initiating the over bet, hemming and hawing about the 3rd heart on the board. Knowing full well I am in a hand with someone who can felt me.
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