Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
it's my Birthday
Quick little post here- going to be in Atlantic city playing cash games with a lot of friends should be a lot of fun
Monday, November 30, 2009
Big day in online Subscription poker
I think i had the biggest day of online SUBscription poker tonight.
50 Club--- 1st of 34
16 SPADE- 100 turbo 3rd 600
15 SPADE- 5K 78 of 1300+
20 in the clubWPT 20K 450th ish of 3600 ppl
50 Club--- 1st of 34
16 SPADE- 100 turbo 3rd 600
15 SPADE- 5K 78 of 1300+
20 in the clubWPT 20K 450th ish of 3600 ppl
Monday, November 23, 2009
Today I want to ask a question to all of you- I'm sitting on a Big stack of 4300 chips in the BB.
All choices are preflop:
Blinds are 80 160. Barnens goes all in for his stack 645.
So the pot has [160+160+ 80] = 400
To call it cost 485.
I think biased on his play he'd be happy to get Blinds with ATC. So i put my self at about 40 to be the better hand. worst case-
So the total is [400 + 485] = 885 cost me 485 to win a pot of 885 almost laying me a price of two to one to call. OR A price of (885 / 485) = 1.83 to one to call
IS THIS THINKING CORRECT? or should I say is my mathematical thinking correct?

what should be reserved for another Whinning post but- playing .80 NL Deep stack table-
Called a POT raise PF - I bet and get raised on the flop so i move in. Instacalled- AND
INSTA-SUCKOUT immidiatly on the turn. - 70 bucks gone - End of whinning
All choices are preflop:
Blinds are 80 160. Barnens goes all in for his stack 645.
So the pot has [160+160+ 80] = 400
To call it cost 485.
I think biased on his play he'd be happy to get Blinds with ATC. So i put my self at about 40 to be the better hand. worst case-
So the total is [400 + 485] = 885 cost me 485 to win a pot of 885 almost laying me a price of two to one to call. OR A price of (885 / 485) = 1.83 to one to call
IS THIS THINKING CORRECT? or should I say is my mathematical thinking correct?

what should be reserved for another Whinning post but- playing .80 NL Deep stack table-
Called a POT raise PF - I bet and get raised on the flop so i move in. Instacalled- AND
INSTA-SUCKOUT immidiatly on the turn. - 70 bucks gone - End of whinning

Friday, November 20, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
general Poker discussion
PAINFUL but interesting situation that came up on my last viset to harrahs- Stack size UTG 300 Button 175 Me on Middle Pos 200. I raise the ugt Limp to 17 w/ A'X' s. and the button for first time this session carlessly looks at his cards and I see his hand. KJoff. he calls.
Flop [7 T Q] I bet out after UTG ch'ed Button calls with KJ and unfortunattly UTG calls as well. turn is a brick [7] utg checks. I check. Button OVER BET SHOVES! $$$130. utg takes a long time and folds. I say I am sorry man, I saw your hand he said yea i thought i showed it too you.
I call about hundred twenty on the turn with Ace high and of course ace hits on the river. I hate when seeing your nieghbors hand blows up in your face.
i was about 80% certain I saw his hand as KJ, but I could have been wrong. I took about min to call with ace high. and he looked weak as if he really had the KJ. If your 80% confident he has air and can hit
3 9's
3 Aces
any K or J 6,
(Maybe a flush as well that i did not see on river. 7)
3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + (7) =
so he is still 24% - 38% he may still win. would you still call with Ace high. Obviously yes right?
honestly I think it's a borederline coin flip for me. as I was only 80% he had KJ,
after the fact I dont think he had the flush draw, but it was possible, and I dont remember
As for the When to get off the table, I have a lot of items that will cause me to leave a table- i have no prob walking away after as little as 30 mins if i think that is best.
- i am about booking a win. If i can bank a 2 hundred win in what ever time it takes i do it. esspecially on my first session of the trip. I want to pay the expences of my trip and bank that win so I can feel comfortable . this may just be me, but feel much more comfortable making plays on ppl if I am already up, ABC to start- then I go in to the bag of tricks.
- playing on M- Thur. If i Felt a rock/ REG at the table with an absolute monster i am going to pick up and go as MOST ALL 12 NL tables on M- TH are the same kind of player types, Few if any calling stations, Few maniacs.
- If fish leaves I leave, Just that simple!
- It always worth your time sitting around waiting for a new table to open. Ask the floorman if you can join any new table forming as players just sitting always seem to have that "i Need to set my money on FIRE additude upon arrival to the poker lounge!" I openly lol at players that sit down and do this!
- playing tired: everyone is different, i can play well tired IF i have been playing at the table for hours already, sitting down tired, never! if your not excited to play, don't. sitting down with a lot of energy and talking between hands and being an A hole at times can change how ppl play against you. Some of my all time best sessions I was very vocal and chatty with players around. table talk is a great way to get useful information at the table. micro expressions as well.
Flop [7 T Q] I bet out after UTG ch'ed Button calls with KJ and unfortunattly UTG calls as well. turn is a brick [7] utg checks. I check. Button OVER BET SHOVES! $$$130. utg takes a long time and folds. I say I am sorry man, I saw your hand he said yea i thought i showed it too you.
I call about hundred twenty on the turn with Ace high and of course ace hits on the river. I hate when seeing your nieghbors hand blows up in your face.
i was about 80% certain I saw his hand as KJ, but I could have been wrong. I took about min to call with ace high. and he looked weak as if he really had the KJ. If your 80% confident he has air and can hit
3 9's
3 Aces
any K or J 6,
(Maybe a flush as well that i did not see on river. 7)
3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + (7) =
so he is still 24% - 38% he may still win. would you still call with Ace high. Obviously yes right?
honestly I think it's a borederline coin flip for me. as I was only 80% he had KJ,
after the fact I dont think he had the flush draw, but it was possible, and I dont remember
As for the When to get off the table, I have a lot of items that will cause me to leave a table- i have no prob walking away after as little as 30 mins if i think that is best.
- i am about booking a win. If i can bank a 2 hundred win in what ever time it takes i do it. esspecially on my first session of the trip. I want to pay the expences of my trip and bank that win so I can feel comfortable . this may just be me, but feel much more comfortable making plays on ppl if I am already up, ABC to start- then I go in to the bag of tricks.
- playing on M- Thur. If i Felt a rock/ REG at the table with an absolute monster i am going to pick up and go as MOST ALL 12 NL tables on M- TH are the same kind of player types, Few if any calling stations, Few maniacs.
- If fish leaves I leave, Just that simple!
- It always worth your time sitting around waiting for a new table to open. Ask the floorman if you can join any new table forming as players just sitting always seem to have that "i Need to set my money on FIRE additude upon arrival to the poker lounge!" I openly lol at players that sit down and do this!
- playing tired: everyone is different, i can play well tired IF i have been playing at the table for hours already, sitting down tired, never! if your not excited to play, don't. sitting down with a lot of energy and talking between hands and being an A hole at times can change how ppl play against you. Some of my all time best sessions I was very vocal and chatty with players around. table talk is a great way to get useful information at the table. micro expressions as well.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
My $560 tourny Event #2 Borgata WPT
I bit the bullet and took a shot! this was my second lifetime tourney in the 500+ buy in level. i can support these tourneys with regular 12 NL games that I am successful player. So i was comfortable sitting in this game. I found my self having GREAT difficulty making hands. my big hands I had to lay down. I had KK cracked, I laided id down on the turn as action checked in a three way pot on the flop. I did not lead out for My poker instincts were spot on. player lead on the turn for 1k into a 1.8K pot and I dumped it, talked him in to showing set of QQQ. i had to show in return. my tourney busting hand that I got away from got me way too much respect and I could not make things happen after that.
later I dumped a hand I knew I was a coin flip with after the flop. faced with a 1K bet on the flop from a 4k short stack. i think that was my biggest error in judgement.
I had A9 diamonds Flop 9 8 6 two diamonds.
He showed AA. if I thought he had kk - TT I am ahead on this flop. but it is a virtual coin flip to call. I should have gambled here
I should have taken the flip with him for half my stack.hand I went out on was one that was a HUGE draw. limp on button with 67hearts, raised from bb 3x. I snap call with 4.2K flop is 45q two hearts. he leads with a SHOVE! i snap call. brick brick... I'd make the same call any time any where, so I was happy with my play, just not the results. 1st place was about 130K. 706 players
later I dumped a hand I knew I was a coin flip with after the flop. faced with a 1K bet on the flop from a 4k short stack. i think that was my biggest error in judgement.
I had A9 diamonds Flop 9 8 6 two diamonds.
He showed AA. if I thought he had kk - TT I am ahead on this flop. but it is a virtual coin flip to call. I should have gambled here
I should have taken the flip with him for half my stack.hand I went out on was one that was a HUGE draw. limp on button with 67hearts, raised from bb 3x. I snap call with 4.2K flop is 45q two hearts. he leads with a SHOVE! i snap call. brick brick... I'd make the same call any time any where, so I was happy with my play, just not the results. 1st place was about 130K. 706 players
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sat tour running good
one of the other four tournys that i took down this week was a 15 $75 token frenzy
I had to get a little lucky on this tournament. I had a good read on the player opening this pot in the first screen shot. He was flat pushing with pairs, and with a strong to med ace he'd try and play it strait. knowing full well he likes to gamble I shoved on him. and he insta called with his stronger then expected AQo. and the numbers held up for me as i had a smooth double thru-

the Next monster I had to play this fish, that is a minor calling station who does not raise with his big hands. So i figure he's going to call a big raise - and as expected he does, but my Cbet was just shoving so he folded -

the final hand I played was this ugly duck I was 4K with big 400 800 blinds. So with my short stack i shoved in to the tightest player in the BB At the table. prob - Small blind wakes up with AK and calles - with out this win im in bad shape to make the bubble survival. but I hit and took down another toke-
I had to get a little lucky on this tournament. I had a good read on the player opening this pot in the first screen shot. He was flat pushing with pairs, and with a strong to med ace he'd try and play it strait. knowing full well he likes to gamble I shoved on him. and he insta called with his stronger then expected AQo. and the numbers held up for me as i had a smooth double thru-

the Next monster I had to play this fish, that is a minor calling station who does not raise with his big hands. So i figure he's going to call a big raise - and as expected he does, but my Cbet was just shoving so he folded -

the final hand I played was this ugly duck I was 4K with big 400 800 blinds. So with my short stack i shoved in to the tightest player in the BB At the table. prob - Small blind wakes up with AK and calles - with out this win im in bad shape to make the bubble survival. but I hit and took down another toke-
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Following Soooot, with my own bad beat story in the 5K
First hand I played tonight was just a nightmare- with KQ in the BB. I see a flop very cheap level one T(80 chips). I flop the King on the board of K 10 7 rainbow. I elect to go for a ch+ raise. worked perfectly, opponent bet here in a 4 way pot. I am thinking ok perfect. he bet 150, I there bet here to 450. He actually calls quick. turn is a complete COMPLETE blank 2s. he checks, and with position i make a pot bet 1100. It gets insta called, now I am concerned... maybe he was betting out with the AK? betting out with two pair? ok so the river. Im pot committed no matter what falls... But the river Brings a Q. making top two pair for me. my opponent bets out. now I think for sure, he either was slow playing two pair, or AK for sure is being OVER played. NOPE, neither. My opponent Bet out in a four way pot with A gunshot, AJ off.
Just like that, I'm out.ppl are complementing the play on this site left and right, frankly I don't see it. most of the players here I have seen here Just donk. Calling all ins in a MULTI WAY pot with AQ???? I have no idea what some of these players are thinking. Seriously ppl this site should be awarding tournament strategy guides to players rather then cash calling an all in in a Multiway pot, I would expect you have one of maybe three hands... this is ussually not the case here.
Last week I made a mistake agaisnt HODGED DEEEEEEP in the 40K, i thought that the play would be rewarded or respected, but truth is if I was paying attention i would have realized that my play would not get respect. HODGED had previously CALLED an all in with AQoff at my table only to find out the opp had AQ himself. Having seen this I should have known that My image would not be respected if I waited for a hand to go up against this player.
So i found myslef with A Very heathy stack staying out of Hodges way, He was rasing a LOT of pots as there were only 75 players left. I had layed down an AJ to him, so when I got JJ and hodgeD once again came in three betting from early position I realized his VPIP was too high, and he should really respect a reraise jam. well, no such luck, with stacks of 37k EACH, he having raised to 6K insta called the rest of his 32K stack after I Jammed on the Button. once again, I lost race against AQ off. I dont respect the call made, and i hope that play here on Spade club is raised. GL at the tables all.
Just like that, I'm out.ppl are complementing the play on this site left and right, frankly I don't see it. most of the players here I have seen here Just donk. Calling all ins in a MULTI WAY pot with AQ???? I have no idea what some of these players are thinking. Seriously ppl this site should be awarding tournament strategy guides to players rather then cash calling an all in in a Multiway pot, I would expect you have one of maybe three hands... this is ussually not the case here.
Last week I made a mistake agaisnt HODGED DEEEEEEP in the 40K, i thought that the play would be rewarded or respected, but truth is if I was paying attention i would have realized that my play would not get respect. HODGED had previously CALLED an all in with AQoff at my table only to find out the opp had AQ himself. Having seen this I should have known that My image would not be respected if I waited for a hand to go up against this player.
So i found myslef with A Very heathy stack staying out of Hodges way, He was rasing a LOT of pots as there were only 75 players left. I had layed down an AJ to him, so when I got JJ and hodgeD once again came in three betting from early position I realized his VPIP was too high, and he should really respect a reraise jam. well, no such luck, with stacks of 37k EACH, he having raised to 6K insta called the rest of his 32K stack after I Jammed on the Button. once again, I lost race against AQ off. I dont respect the call made, and i hope that play here on Spade club is raised. GL at the tables all.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
runnin good
I've been fortunate in my last 4 days of poker. I have played 4 tournaments/sitgos or so and cashed well in all. except the 28K.
I finally used my 26 token that i won forever ago. So i felt like i was free rolling. However this night the cards were just not coming. But boy of boy, when they did I either got way too much action or none at all. I felt like I really could not make any moves in the 28K gar.
Managed to keep my head above water stealing blinds with marginal hands As my super tight image was due to card death... How ever on the following hand I mad a larger then pot preflop with the AKs. action was checked to me, so I decided to make a Bluff value bet at the pot.

Thankgod I did not move on this hand as I would be drawing to a flush, lol.
I was a distant third place on this flop as the money went in with PP of queens and A set of fours. so I did manage to find out how loose and tight my opponents were this hand. I did not think for a second I could draw out on this hand. easy fold. Is this a redonkulous Cbet in to two opponents? any poket bigger then equal to Jacks is going to ch call / and or raise. I think this is a poor decision to cbet in to the Button, after checked to. Thoughts anyone?
I went out a little later coming back after the break, getting it all in with an sooted ace (severely short stacked 1700T, on the button steal Blinds were 200 4oo w/ ante)vs the SUPER TIGHT PLAYER I THOUGHT I COULD STEAL FROM big blind's Poket Kings. So, all in Freflop. ending my quest for the money in the 28K.
So next Bit tournament I decided to make a run at was My VERY FIRST rebuy tournament. Now after reading about how to optimally play a rebuy and how good a value they are, I made a good showing! play was insane during the half hour rebuy time. so my play was decided to be rebuy to double stack and get it all in PF with a solid hand-
My first hand I re raised with pocket Queens, got it all in VS 3 other players gambling... So i lost, but I realized this is not the time to exit the tournament- So i double rebuy and and i get some quality hands the propel me in to the chip lead before the end of the rebuy period. My AK, Vs AQ. and then the following HUGE HAND!

So against 44 players I stood on top the mountain with a MASSIVE stack making the run to a win rudimentary. Wish poker was always such an easy game- I like when I dont have to be creative with air.

So i turned my sat win in to tournament chips as I did not want to jump in to a tournament right away. Not a bad win for $12.30 I got my money in good, and my opponents poor play was easily exploited. I think i will try another rebuy this week, the amt of action i got with solid hands made the rebuy time Very easy to double, or triple up... players are gambling trying to get a redonkulously LG stack. and that play added to the prize pool. So i have 55 bucks in tourny cash to blow on what ever tournys I want. Lets make a run at the 28K or the 50 50 tonight.
I finally used my 26 token that i won forever ago. So i felt like i was free rolling. However this night the cards were just not coming. But boy of boy, when they did I either got way too much action or none at all. I felt like I really could not make any moves in the 28K gar.
Managed to keep my head above water stealing blinds with marginal hands As my super tight image was due to card death... How ever on the following hand I mad a larger then pot preflop with the AKs. action was checked to me, so I decided to make a Bluff value bet at the pot.

Thankgod I did not move on this hand as I would be drawing to a flush, lol.
I was a distant third place on this flop as the money went in with PP of queens and A set of fours. so I did manage to find out how loose and tight my opponents were this hand. I did not think for a second I could draw out on this hand. easy fold. Is this a redonkulous Cbet in to two opponents? any poket bigger then equal to Jacks is going to ch call / and or raise. I think this is a poor decision to cbet in to the Button, after checked to. Thoughts anyone?
I went out a little later coming back after the break, getting it all in with an sooted ace (severely short stacked 1700T, on the button steal Blinds were 200 4oo w/ ante)vs the SUPER TIGHT PLAYER I THOUGHT I COULD STEAL FROM big blind's Poket Kings. So, all in Freflop. ending my quest for the money in the 28K.
So next Bit tournament I decided to make a run at was My VERY FIRST rebuy tournament. Now after reading about how to optimally play a rebuy and how good a value they are, I made a good showing! play was insane during the half hour rebuy time. so my play was decided to be rebuy to double stack and get it all in PF with a solid hand-
My first hand I re raised with pocket Queens, got it all in VS 3 other players gambling... So i lost, but I realized this is not the time to exit the tournament- So i double rebuy and and i get some quality hands the propel me in to the chip lead before the end of the rebuy period. My AK, Vs AQ. and then the following HUGE HAND!

So against 44 players I stood on top the mountain with a MASSIVE stack making the run to a win rudimentary. Wish poker was always such an easy game- I like when I dont have to be creative with air.

So i turned my sat win in to tournament chips as I did not want to jump in to a tournament right away. Not a bad win for $12.30 I got my money in good, and my opponents poor play was easily exploited. I think i will try another rebuy this week, the amt of action i got with solid hands made the rebuy time Very easy to double, or triple up... players are gambling trying to get a redonkulously LG stack. and that play added to the prize pool. So i have 55 bucks in tourny cash to blow on what ever tournys I want. Lets make a run at the 28K or the 50 50 tonight.
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