All choices are preflop:
Blinds are 80 160. Barnens goes all in for his stack 645.
So the pot has [160+160+ 80] = 400
To call it cost 485.
I think biased on his play he'd be happy to get Blinds with ATC. So i put my self at about 40 to be the better hand. worst case-
So the total is [400 + 485] = 885 cost me 485 to win a pot of 885 almost laying me a price of two to one to call. OR A price of (885 / 485) = 1.83 to one to call
IS THIS THINKING CORRECT? or should I say is my mathematical thinking correct?

what should be reserved for another Whinning post but- playing .80 NL Deep stack table-
Called a POT raise PF - I bet and get raised on the flop so i move in. Instacalled- AND
INSTA-SUCKOUT immidiatly on the turn. - 70 bucks gone - End of whinning

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