Friday, October 29, 2010

the insperation I need hits home in real world

i had a realization today- and I have to say it has had more of a profound effect on me then most anything to date. A friend through barriatric surg support group had a stroke about a month ago. we found about it recently at group as she was back to join us. she has had the VGS and has lost an amazing 100 pounds so far. her journey is meaning full to me in so many ways because she is older then me but at the present moments she is about a hundred pounds lighter then me right now.

the doctors said that this was a minor stroke. but when her doctor shared with her that if she did not have the sugary a year ago. This stroke surely would have ended her life! there is no doubt in my my mind that this warning to my support friend is a warning for me. If i do not choose to make this change in my life I may not have the chance to make it in 5 years! I am not healthy, and the choices that I make do have a serious impact on what my future may be.

I pledge to walk or exercises as much as I can and get stronger and add more exercises to my life.
i will not eat meals bigger then 550 cals in one sitting EVER!
I will order my food/prepare my food to make my journey as easy as possible
use the tools i have! nutrition guides, distractions, tricks, meal planning, water

I know that my time here on earth is in my hands. medical science can only help us so much before it is in our hands how we live and survive.

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